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Specific notes about the Dundee setup

Every IT installation is different and Dundee is no exception. We are using a Windows based computer with Git-bash installed. Read the following notes carefully in order to get it all to behave.

Your home directory

All users in Dundee have a home directory which is mounted as drive H:\. No matter which computer you log in to, this drive will always be mounted there. In many of the tutorials there will be references to a home directory being /Users/fredbloggs, (Mac) C:\Users\fredbloggs (Windows), or /usr/fredbloggs (Linux) where fredbloggs is the users username. On the Dundee computers it is H:\. If you are using your own computer then it may be one of the other options, or something completely different. A helper can advise you.

Finding and starting Git-Bash

Git-Bash has only just been deployed to the desktop and may not appear in the Windows menu.

  • Easy Route

    Click on the Windows button, then select All Programs, School Software, Life Sciences, General and a Git-Bash icon should be there.

  • Alternative Route to install Git-Bash

  1. Click on the Windows button, select 'Documents' from the list on the right side of the popup to open a file explorer window.
  2. Click in the file explorer location bar and set the location to \\dundee\media\apps\Other\Git\GitforWindows\Installer
  3. Click Install. This will (after a short while) run a terminal window which takes some time to complete. It is a good job to do this as soon as you log in the first time.
  4. Click on the Windows button, then All Programs and Refresh Shortcuts.
  5. Follow the Easy Route above.


We do not have any editors installed except vi which is arcane, powerful, very cranky and not novice friendly. So we'll ignore that though you may see an instructor using it to do a quick edit. Instead we will be using Notepad++. This can be found by clicking on the Windows button, then All Programs, Utilities and Accessories. You will then find the Notepad++ icon.

Configuring Git to use Notepad++

At a Git-Bash prompt type git config --global core.editor "'C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin" This will now launch Notepad++ whenever Git requires an editor. `Dundee edition`