03 - Using BLAST+ Programmatically with Biopython

Learning Outcomes

  • Use of local BLAST+ using Python and Biopython in the Jupyter notebook
  • Creating a BLAST+ command line object in Biopython, and its similarities with running BLAST+ at the terminal
  • Reading BLAST+ output into a Python variable
  • Computational analysis and visualisation of BLAST+ output


This notebook presents examples of methods for using BLAST programmatically, with a local installation of BLAST.

It can be very convenient to use a web BLAST in the browser - such as the NCBI interface, or a project-specific instance (like this one at the PGSC) - for BLAST searches, but there can be limitations to this approach.

It may not be practical to submit a large number of simultaneous queries via a web form, either because the interface prevents this, or because it is tiresome to point-and-click over and over again. It may be that the interface does not make it easy to change custom options that you might want to modify to help refine your query. It could be the case that the web database does not contain sequences that you are interested in searching against (if, for example, some of the sequences are proprietary), or it might not be constrained to a relevant set of organisms, so the search might take much longer than it needs to for your purposes. If you need to repeat a query, it can be awkward to get the same settings every time, and it is possible to forget options from search to search; also the returned result may not describe how or when the search was run.

Using a programmatic approach to submitting `BLAST` queries provides a number of potential advantages
  • It is easy to set up repeatable searches for many sequences, or collections of sequences
  • It is easy to read in the search results and conduct downstream analyses that add value to your search
  • The same code can be readily adapted to different BLAST instances, databases, and servers

The code that we develop in this notebook will be adapted for use in the next notebook: 04-programming_web_blast, but we focus on a local installation now to understand the main principles.

Python imports

To interact with the local installation of BLAST, we will use the free Biopython programming tools. These provide an interface to interact with BLAST, run jobs, and to read in the output files. To use these tools, we need to import them. We will need tools to perform specific functions:

  • to work with file paths, we will use the built-in os module.
  • to collate the BLAST search results as dataframes/tables for analysis, we will use the pandas package.
  • to graph the downstream results, we will use the seaborn visualisation package.
  • to create command lines for BLAST, we will use the Bio.Blast.Applications module from Biopython.

We import these tools, and some standard library packages for working with files (os) below.

In [1]:
# Show plots as part of the notebook (this is a Jupyter-specific operation)
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Standard library packages
import os

# Import Pandas and Seaborn
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

# Import Biopython tools for running local BLASTX
from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastxCommandline

As a first worked example, you will run a local `BLASTX` search, querying a nucleotide sequence against a local protein database, to identify potential homologues.
  • The database comprises predicted gene products from five Kitasatospora genomes
  • The query is a single nucleotide sequence of a predicted penicillin-binding protein from Kitasatospora sp. CB01950

You will use Python/biopython in the code blocks below to first perform the BLASTX search, then parse the results into a pandas dataframe, and finally plot some summary statistics using seaborn.


There are two steps to running a `BLAST` command line with `biopython`.
  1. Create the command-line object
  2. Run the command-line object

To create the command-line, you need to provide the same information as if you were running BLAST at the terminal: the location of the query sequence file, the location of the database, and any arguments that modify the type of BLAST search we are running.

Firstly, you will define two variables that contain the paths to the input data, and the location you want to place the BLAST output file. Then you will define variables that contain paths to: the input query sequence file; the database you're searching against; and the file containing BLAST output

In [2]:
# Define paths to input and output directories
datadir = os.path.join('data', 'kitasatospora')   # input
outdir = os.path.join('output', 'kitasatospora')  # output
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)                # create output directory if it doesn't exist

# Define paths to input and output files
query = os.path.join(datadir, 'k_sp_CB01950_penicillin.fasta')           # query sequence(s)
db = os.path.join(datadir, 'kitasatospora_proteins.faa')                 # BLAST database
blastout = os.path.join(outdir, 'AMK19_00175_blastx_kitasatospora.tab')  # BLAST output
When using a Jupyter notebook, if you ever forget how exactly to use a Python function or class, you can use Python's inbuilt `help()` system. We use this in the cell below to get information on how to construct a `BLASTX` command, using the `NcbiblastxCommandline` object imported above:
In [3]:
# Get help with how to construct the command-line
Help on class NcbiblastxCommandline in module Bio.Blast.Applications:

class NcbiblastxCommandline(_NcbiblastMain2SeqCommandline)
 |  Wrapper for the NCBI BLAST+ program blastx (nucleotide query, protein database).
 |  With the release of BLAST+ (BLAST rewritten in C++ instead of C), the NCBI
 |  replaced the old blastall tool with separate tools for each of the searches.
 |  This wrapper therefore replaces BlastallCommandline with option -p blastx.
 |  >>> from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastxCommandline
 |  >>> cline = NcbiblastxCommandline(query="m_cold.fasta", db="nr", evalue=0.001)
 |  >>> cline
 |  NcbiblastxCommandline(cmd='blastx', query='m_cold.fasta', db='nr', evalue=0.001)
 |  >>> print(cline)
 |  blastx -query m_cold.fasta -db nr -evalue 0.001
 |  You would typically run the command line with cline() or via the Python
 |  subprocess module, as described in the Biopython tutorial.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      NcbiblastxCommandline
 |      _NcbiblastMain2SeqCommandline
 |      _Ncbiblast2SeqCommandline
 |      _NcbiblastCommandline
 |      _NcbibaseblastCommandline
 |      Bio.Application.AbstractCommandline
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, cmd='blastx', **kwargs)
 |      Create a new instance of a command line wrapper object.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from Bio.Application.AbstractCommandline:
 |  __call__(self, stdin=None, stdout=True, stderr=True, cwd=None, env=None)
 |      Execute command, wait for it to finish, return (stdout, stderr).
 |      Runs the command line tool and waits for it to finish. If it returns
 |      a non-zero error level, an exception is raised. Otherwise two strings
 |      are returned containing stdout and stderr.
 |      The optional stdin argument should be a string of data which will be
 |      passed to the tool as standard input.
 |      The optional stdout and stderr argument may be filenames (string),
 |      but otherwise are treated as a booleans, and control if the output
 |      should be captured as strings (True, default), or ignored by sending
 |      it to /dev/null to avoid wasting memory (False). If sent to a file
 |      or ignored, then empty string(s) are returned.
 |      The optional cwd argument is a string giving the working directory
 |      to run the command from. See Python's subprocess module documentation
 |      for more details.
 |      The optional env argument is a dictionary setting the environment
 |      variables to be used in the new process. By default the current
 |      process' environment variables are used. See Python's subprocess
 |      module documentation for more details.
 |      Default example usage::
 |          from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline
 |          water_cmd = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5,
 |                                       stdout=True, auto=True,
 |                                       asequence="a.fasta", bsequence="b.fasta")
 |          print("About to run: %s" % water_cmd)
 |          std_output, err_output = water_cmd()
 |      This functionality is similar to subprocess.check_output() added in
 |      Python 2.7. In general if you require more control over running the
 |      command, use subprocess directly.
 |      As of Biopython 1.56, when the program called returns a non-zero error
 |      level, a custom ApplicationError exception is raised. This includes
 |      any stdout and stderr strings captured as attributes of the exception
 |      object, since they may be useful for diagnosing what went wrong.
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return a representation of the command line object for debugging.
 |      e.g.
 |      >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline
 |      >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5)
 |      >>> cline.asequence = "asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT"
 |      >>> cline.bsequence = "asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT"
 |      >>> cline.outfile = "temp_water.txt"
 |      >>> print(cline)
 |      water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5
 |      >>> cline
 |      WaterCommandline(cmd='water', outfile='temp_water.txt', asequence='asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT', bsequence='asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT', gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5)
 |  __setattr__(self, name, value)
 |      Set attribute name to value (PRIVATE).
 |      This code implements a workaround for a user interface issue.
 |      Without this __setattr__ attribute-based assignment of parameters
 |      will silently accept invalid parameters, leading to known instances
 |      of the user assuming that parameters for the application are set,
 |      when they are not.
 |      >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline
 |      >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5, stdout=True)
 |      >>> cline.asequence = "a.fasta"
 |      >>> cline.bsequence = "b.fasta"
 |      >>> cline.csequence = "c.fasta"
 |      Traceback (most recent call last):
 |      ...
 |      ValueError: Option name csequence was not found.
 |      >>> print(cline)
 |      water -stdout -asequence=a.fasta -bsequence=b.fasta -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5
 |      This workaround uses a whitelist of object attributes, and sets the
 |      object attribute list as normal, for these.  Other attributes are
 |      assumed to be parameters, and passed to the self.set_parameter method
 |      for validation and assignment.
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Make the commandline string with the currently set options.
 |      e.g.
 |      >>> from Bio.Emboss.Applications import WaterCommandline
 |      >>> cline = WaterCommandline(gapopen=10, gapextend=0.5)
 |      >>> cline.asequence = "asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT"
 |      >>> cline.bsequence = "asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT"
 |      >>> cline.outfile = "temp_water.txt"
 |      >>> print(cline)
 |      water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5
 |      >>> str(cline)
 |      'water -outfile=temp_water.txt -asequence=asis:ACCCGGGCGCGGT -bsequence=asis:ACCCGAGCGCGGT -gapopen=10 -gapextend=0.5'
 |  set_parameter(self, name, value=None)
 |      Set a commandline option for a program (OBSOLETE).
 |      Every parameter is available via a property and as a named
 |      keyword when creating the instance. Using either of these is
 |      preferred to this legacy set_parameter method which is now
 |      OBSOLETE, and likely to be DEPRECATED and later REMOVED in
 |      future releases.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from Bio.Application.AbstractCommandline:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Bio.Application.AbstractCommandline:
 |  parameters = None

The information above tells how to pass the paths to the query sequence, database, and how to specify other values to control BLASTX, e.g.:

cline = NcbiblastxCommandline(query="m_cold.fasta", db="nr", evalue=0.001)

Now you will use this information to create a command-line object in the variable `cmd_blastx` that you can use to run our `BLASTX` query.

You will provide the locations of the query sequence (the penicillin-binding protein), the database you're searching against (the proteins from five other Kitosatospora species), and a location to write the output.

You will also specify the output format you require, with the option `outfmt=6`. This asks `BLASTX` to write a tab-separated tabular plain text file. This differs from the usual human-readable output you may be used to, but is particularly convenient for automated processing.
In [4]:
# Create command-line for BLASTX
cmd_blastx = NcbiblastxCommandline(query=query, out=blastout, outfmt=6, db=db)

The cmd_blastx object now contains instructions that are equivalent to running BLASTX at the command-line. We can even get it to print out a command-line that we could copy-and-paste into the terminal, to run the search:

In [5]:
# Get a working command-line
blastx -out output/kitasatospora/AMK19_00175_blastx_kitasatospora.tab -outfmt 6 -query data/kitasatospora/k_sp_CB01950_penicillin.fasta -db data/kitasatospora/kitasatospora_proteins.faa

You don't need to use the terminal at all, though. You can run the BLASTX search from Python, by calling the cmd_blastx object, with:


Although the code above is the simplest way to run the command, it can be worth doing something slightly more complex.

Any Linux command can place information into two special streams: `STDOUT` and `STDERR` (pronounced 'standard-out' and 'standard-error'). As you might expect, `STDOUT` gets 'output', and errors are reported to `STDERR`. It is good practice to 'catch' these streams, and check them for reports from the program that's being run.
In [6]:
# !! Do not execute cell if skipping computation !!
stdout, stderr = cmd_blastx()

print("STDOUT: %s" % stdout)
print("STDERR: %s" % stderr)
STDERR: Error: (1431.1) FASTA-Reader: Warning: FASTA-Reader: Ignoring FASTA modifier(s) found because the input was not expected to have any.

If everything has worked, there should be no information in either STDOUT or STDERR. You should, however now see a file named AMK19_00175_blastx_kitasatospora.tab in the output/kitasatospora directory. This file contains your BLASTX search results, and we shall import and inspect these in the next section.

Load BLASTX results

We have already defined a variable called blastout that holds the BLASTX search output, so we can use this when we load the data.

`Pandas` is a Python module that provides a dataframe structure, like that used in `R`, which is highly convenient for statistics and data analysis. Many powerful operations come built-in with `pandas`, and we will barely scratch the surface of its utility on this course. We will use it here to load in and inspect the `BLASTX` results that we've just generated.

First, you need to load the tab-separated data that describes the search results you just generated. You will do this with the `read_csv()` function from `pandas`, and put the results into the variable `results`. To make sure that the data is read correctly, you need to tell the function that the symbol which separates columns is a 'tab' (`sep="\t"`), and that there is no column header information provided (`header=None`).
In [7]:
# !! If you are skipping computational steps, uncomment the line below !!
#blastout = os.path.join('prepped', 'kitasatospora', 'AMK19_00175_blastx_kitasatospora.tab')  # BLAST output

# Read BLASTX output
results = pd.read_csv(blastout, sep="\t", header=None)

Jupyter notebooks integrate well with pandas dataframes, and it is straightforward to see the first few rows of the results table, by using the dataframe's head() method:

In [8]:
# Inspect results table
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KDN84196.1 93.80 484 30 0 1 1452 1 484 0.0 918.0
1 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KIQ63037.1 89.90 485 48 1 1 1452 1 485 0.0 872.0
2 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 BAJ29737.1 84.33 485 75 1 1 1452 1 485 0.0 830.0
3 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KRB64622.1 75.21 472 114 3 1 1407 1 472 0.0 743.0
4 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KQV22225.1 75.21 472 114 3 1 1407 1 472 0.0 743.0

You should see that the table, like the output file, contains 11 columns. It also contains an additional index (on the left), which uniquely labels each row of the table.

The table is not as useful as it could be, because it doesn't inform us about the contents of each column. To rectify this we can create column headers, and to do this you will define a `list` of column names, then assign that *list* to the `results` dataframe's `columns` attribute:
In [9]:
# Define column headers
headers = ['query', 'subject',
           'pc_identity', 'aln_length', 'mismatches', 'gaps_opened',
           'query_start', 'query_end', 'subject_start', 'subject_end',
           'e_value', 'bitscore']

# Assign headers
results.columns = headers

# Inspect modified table
query subject pc_identity aln_length mismatches gaps_opened query_start query_end subject_start subject_end e_value bitscore
0 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KDN84196.1 93.80 484 30 0 1 1452 1 484 0.0 918.0
1 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KIQ63037.1 89.90 485 48 1 1 1452 1 485 0.0 872.0
2 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 BAJ29737.1 84.33 485 75 1 1 1452 1 485 0.0 830.0
3 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KRB64622.1 75.21 472 114 3 1 1407 1 472 0.0 743.0
4 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KQV22225.1 75.21 472 114 3 1 1407 1 472 0.0 743.0

Now the results are a little more readable. You can also use these column names directly to work with the information in them.

You can, for example, obtain a summary of the information in the table with the dataframe's .describe() method:

In [10]:
# Show a summary of the results table data
pc_identity aln_length mismatches gaps_opened query_start query_end subject_start subject_end e_value bitscore
count 53.000000 53.000000 53.000000 53.000000 53.000000 53.000000 53.000000 53.000000 5.300000e+01 53.000000
mean 35.457358 307.566038 142.584906 9.169811 405.433962 1254.094340 249.773585 532.037736 9.400003e-01 165.126415
std 17.220187 134.603193 62.425474 6.652749 291.880409 219.724326 159.157353 146.831138 2.316187e+00 236.247836
min 20.710000 47.000000 29.000000 0.000000 1.000000 495.000000 1.000000 130.000000 0.000000e+00 28.500000
25% 27.450000 247.000000 94.000000 3.000000 259.000000 1317.000000 141.000000 472.000000 1.000000e-19 58.900000
50% 28.340000 333.000000 160.000000 11.000000 391.000000 1317.000000 285.000000 573.000000 4.000000e-13 71.200000
75% 32.430000 419.000000 192.000000 13.000000 475.000000 1350.000000 339.000000 624.000000 4.000000e-09 92.000000
max 93.800000 485.000000 229.000000 21.000000 1241.000000 1452.000000 572.000000 724.000000 7.500000e+00 918.000000

You can also extract and work with specific columns, by naming them:

In [11]:
# Show all subject matches
0     KDN84196.1
1     KIQ63037.1
2     BAJ29737.1
3     KRB64622.1
4     KQV22225.1
5     BAJ30397.1
6     KRB67648.1
7     KQV24303.1
8     KIQ64169.1
9     KDN83954.1
10    BAJ28425.1
11    KDN85523.1
12    KIQ62109.1
13    KRB62261.1
14    KQV05455.1
15    KQV16635.1
16    KDN86344.1
17    KIQ63880.1
18    KIQ62197.1
19    KDN85310.1
20    BAJ29447.1
21    KQV14673.1
22    KRB76663.1
23    KQV11755.1
24    BAJ30400.1
25    KRB67277.1
26    KQV24009.1
27    KDN83125.1
28    KIQ63374.1
29    KDN84583.1
30    BAJ28586.1
31    KRB73778.1
32    KQV16924.1
33    KRB74841.1
34    KQV18862.1
35    BAJ29692.1
36    KIQ64090.1
37    KRB76688.1
38    KQV11730.1
39    KDN84145.1
40    BAJ27952.1
41    BAJ27952.1
42    KRB64587.1
43    KQV22189.1
44    KIQ65054.1
45    KDN83452.1
46    BAJ31550.1
47    KIQ64869.1
48    KRB77579.1
49    KQV19304.1
50    KDN87199.1
51    KRB71233.1
52    KQV20035.1
Name: subject, dtype: object
In [12]:
# Create a new column describing how long the alignment is on the query sequence
qaln_length = abs(results['query_end'] - results['query_start']) + 1
0     1452
1     1452
2     1452
3     1407
4     1407
5     1308
6     1350
7     1350
8     1308
9     1308
10    1020
11    1023
12    1023
13     969
14     969
15    1038
16     975
17     975
18     879
19     888
20     927
21     924
22     888
23     888
24     984
25    1005
26    1005
27     861
28     861
29     927
30     843
31     984
32     984
33     927
34     927
35     525
36     678
37    1059
38    1059
39     678
40     348
41     312
42     678
43     678
44     306
45     237
46     396
47     138
48     204
49     204
50     162
51     177
52     177
dtype: int64
In [13]:
# Add qaln_length to the results table as a new column
results['qaln_length'] = qaln_length
query subject pc_identity aln_length mismatches gaps_opened query_start query_end subject_start subject_end e_value bitscore qaln_length
0 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KDN84196.1 93.80 484 30 0 1 1452 1 484 0.0 918.0 1452
1 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KIQ63037.1 89.90 485 48 1 1 1452 1 485 0.0 872.0 1452
2 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 BAJ29737.1 84.33 485 75 1 1 1452 1 485 0.0 830.0 1452
3 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KRB64622.1 75.21 472 114 3 1 1407 1 472 0.0 743.0 1407
4 lcl|LISX01000001.1_cds_OKJ16671.1_31 KQV22225.1 75.21 472 114 3 1 1407 1 472 0.0 743.0 1407

Dataframes also have a .plot.<plot_type>() method, which lets us plot information from the table directly.

For example, to generate a scatterplot, we can use:

results.plot.scatter(<X_AXIS>, <Y_AXIS>)

where we replace <X_AXIS> and <Y_AXIS> with the names of the columns we want to see on those axes, as below.

In [14]:
# Create a scatterplot
results.plot.scatter('pc_identity', 'e_value')
plt.title("E value vs %identity");              # add a title to the plot

Exercise 01 (10min)

There is a second BLASTX query file in the directory data/kitasatospora, called lantibiotic.fasta. It describes the CDS for a suspected lantibiotic synthesis protein. To begin the analysis with this sequence, can you do the following?

  • Create a `BLASTX` command-line to query the lantibiotic synthesis CDS against the Kitasatospora protein database, and write the output to a new file called `lantibiotic_blastx_kitasatospora.tab` in the output directory `output/kitasatospora`.
  • Run the `BLASTX` search, capturing the `STDERR` and `STDOUT` streams
  • Load the `BLASTX` results into a new dataframe
  • Create a plot of percentage identity against bit score
In [15]:
# !! Do not execute this cell if skipping computational step !!

# We can reuse the directories and db, but need to define new input/output filenames
query = os.path.join(datadir, 'lantibiotic.fasta')                                   # query sequence(s)
blastout = os.path.join(outdir, 'lantibiotic_blastx_kitasatospora.tab')              # BLAST output

# Create command-line for BLASTX
cmd_blastx = NcbiblastxCommandline(query=query, out=blastout, outfmt=6, db=db)

stdout, stderr = cmd_blastx()

print("STDOUT: %s" % stdout)
print("STDERR: %s" % stderr)
STDERR: Error: (1431.1) FASTA-Reader: Warning: FASTA-Reader: Ignoring FASTA modifier(s) found because the input was not expected to have any.

In [16]:
# !! Uncomment the line below, if skipping computational step !!
# blastout = os.path.join('prepped', 'kitasatospora', 'lantibiotic_blastx_kitasatospora.tab')

# Read BLASTX output, and reuse the column headers defined earlier
results = pd.read_csv(blastout, sep="\t", header=None)
results.columns = headers

# Create a scatterplot
results.plot.scatter('bitscore', 'pc_identity')
plt.title("%identity vs bitscore");                                                  # add a title to the plot