Supplementary Information: Holmes et al. 2020

3. Crossvalidation

This notebook describes analysis of 10-fold crossvalidation data of the Bayesian hierarchical model described in notebook 02-full_model_fit.ipynb. This model estimates the selective effects on growth (control) and leaf passage (treatment) due to individual genes from E. coli DH10B (carrier) and Sakai (BAC load). The estimates are made on the basis of data obtained using a multi-E. coli microarray.

Much of the code for the visualisation, analysis and data manipulation of the fitting results is found in the associated Python module, which should also be present in this directory.

 Crossvalidation summary

We will load predicted and measured output probe intensity data from a 10-fold crossvalidation, performed as described in the file (the data provided in this repository was obtaind from a run on the JHI cluster).

The Stan model used to generate the crossvalidation results is identical in form to that used in the notebook `02-full_model_fit.ipynb`, except that it is fit ten times, each time on a random 90% of the data, and a prediction made for the *output* probe intensity of the remaining 10% of the data, given the measured *input* probe intensities as a predictor. The results of these ten runs are combined in the file ``.

We can assess the applicability and success of the Stan model by investigating how well it can predict the measured output intensity of a probe, given its measured input intensity. We are conducting crossvalidation on the original dataset, and we consider a prediction to be "correct" if the measured output intensity lies within the 90% credibility interval of the predicted output intensity.

We assess the performance of the model in two ways.

  1. Failed predictions as those predictions of output intensity that do not include the measured input intensity in their 90% CI.
  2. As Type S/Type M errors for the failed predictions (after Gelman & Carlin (2014) DOI: 10.1177/1745691614551642). Here, we assess the performance of the model by comparing the median predicted output intensity to the measured output intensity, for each probe. If the difference between predicted output intensity and measured input intensity has the opposite sign to that for the difference between measured output intensity and measured input intensity, we consider the prediction to be a Type S (sign) error. If, however, the direction of the prediction is correct (no Type S error), but the magnitude is incorrect, we consider this prediction to be a Type M (magnitude) error. We can tabulate these results in the same way as we might do so for false positive and false negative errors.

Python imports

In [1]:
%pylab inline

import os
import pickle
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import seaborn as sns; sns.set_context('notebook')

import tools
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Load results

We load data from the multiplexed run that was performed on the JHI cluster, as described in

The column containing the experimentally-measured predictor (input intensity) is headed log_input, and the column containing the measured output probe intensity is headed log_output.

The predicted output mean and median values for 1000 iterations of two chains are found in the columns y_pred_mean and y_pred_median. 5%, 25%, 75% and 95% percentiles for predicted output are given in the columns y_pred_5pc, y_pred_25pc, y_pred_75pc and y_pred_95pc. These can be combined to provide 50% and 90% credibility intervals for each predicted output intensity.

In [2]:
# Crossvalidation results file
resultsfile = os.path.join("datasets", "")

# Load predictions from file
results = pd.read_csv(resultsfile, sep='\t', index_col=0)
(49872, 20)
Index(['probe', 'replicate', 'treatment', 'repXtrt', 'input', 'output',
       'log_input', 'log_output', 'match', 'locus_tag', 'probe_index',
       'locus_tag_index', 'repXtrt_index', 'y_pred_25pc', 'y_pred_5pc',
       'y_pred_75pc', 'y_pred_95pc', 'y_pred_mean', 'y_pred_median',
In [3]:
# Inspect crossvalidation results
probe replicate treatment repXtrt input output log_input log_output match locus_tag probe_index locus_tag_index repXtrt_index y_pred_25pc y_pred_5pc y_pred_75pc y_pred_95pc y_pred_mean y_pred_median y_pred_sem
4842 A_07_P010704 3 1 rep3trt1 1881.971667 1384.856333 7.540075 7.233352 lcl|NC_010473.1_cds_WP_001264707.1_2 ECDH10B_RS00010 7283 5515 5 7.026222 6.514030 7.665159 8.155571 7.345848 7.345629 0.484806
2571 A_07_P010704 3 0 rep3trt0 6026.244000 5050.760667 8.703879 8.527294 lcl|NC_010473.1_cds_WP_001264707.1_2 ECDH10B_RS00010 7283 5515 2 8.134042 7.655175 8.757826 9.183563 8.434594 8.446265 0.472663
913 A_07_P010704 2 0 rep2trt0 7012.786667 4197.077333 8.855490 8.342144 lcl|NC_010473.1_cds_WP_001264707.1_2 ECDH10B_RS00010 7283 5515 1 8.342736 7.849079 9.001255 9.472783 8.663463 8.655905 0.492379
1990 A_07_P010704 2 1 rep2trt1 1885.536667 1251.527667 7.541968 7.132120 lcl|NC_010473.1_cds_WP_001264707.1_2 ECDH10B_RS00010 7283 5515 4 7.046943 6.594946 7.709428 8.161562 7.379785 7.378912 0.482029
824 A_07_P010704 1 1 rep1trt1 1759.515333 1240.375333 7.472794 7.123169 lcl|NC_010473.1_cds_WP_001264707.1_2 ECDH10B_RS00010 7283 5515 3 6.988173 6.510460 7.658941 8.090392 7.321888 7.328620 0.485234
The crossvalidation data has 49872 rows (one for each combintation of probe, treatment and replicate) and 20 columns, named as shown.

Load full fit

We want to investigate how predictive performance compares with our estimate of parameters from a fit on full data, to see - for example - whether the genes for which we have confidence in a treatment effect are associated with good predictions of output probe intensity.

We load the model fit results, generated by notebook 02-full_model_fit.ipynb, from the associated output pickle file.

In [4]:
# File containing pickled fit from notebook 02
fitfile = os.path.join("model_fits", "full_model_fit.pkl")

# Load array measurements and get locus tags/arrays as indices
datafile = os.path.join("datasets", "")
indata = pd.read_csv(datafile, sep="\t")
locus_tags = indata['locus_tag'].unique()
arrays = indata['repXtrt'].unique()

# Load the pickled fit into `estimates`
fit = pd.read_pickle(open(fitfile, 'rb'))
(estimates_by_probe, estimates) = tools.extract_variable_summaries(fit, 'df',
                                                                  ['a', 'b', 'g', 'd'],
                                                                  [arrays, locus_tags, arrays, locus_tags],
estimates.head()  # inspect the data
locus_tag b_2.5pc b_25pc b_75pc b_97.5pc b_mean b_median b_sem d_2.5pc d_25pc d_75pc d_97.5pc d_mean d_median d_sem
5515 ECDH10B_RS00010 0.907909 0.932580 0.950421 0.964608 0.941324 0.944069 0.013947 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.048565 -0.023847 -0.058070 -0.057542 0.019050
4705 ECDH10B_RS00020 0.914396 0.934645 0.951195 0.961351 0.942357 0.944690 0.012564 -0.085109 -0.064664 -0.046774 -0.025243 -0.055638 -0.057188 0.015163
5475 ECDH10B_RS00060 0.914911 0.935482 0.951967 0.968178 0.943733 0.945555 0.013453 -0.105381 -0.067194 -0.045122 -0.014049 -0.057540 -0.057505 0.021189
5474 ECDH10B_RS00065 0.912512 0.935084 0.951980 0.965746 0.943209 0.945886 0.013542 -0.092378 -0.063993 -0.044987 -0.020414 -0.055270 -0.056006 0.017903
5469 ECDH10B_RS00070 0.901806 0.934273 0.951271 0.963839 0.941399 0.944425 0.015426 -0.098637 -0.066353 -0.045173 -0.022492 -0.057138 -0.057634 0.018181

The estimates dataframe contains the notebook 02-full_model_fit.ipynb estimates of parameters for each gene, with percentiles enabling a 95% or 50% credibility interval to be estimated.

 Merge crossvalidation and fit

We join the crossvalidation data with the fits for the corresponding genes, on the basis of locus_tag, to make plotting and analysis easier. We also reduce the columns in the dataset to a subset describing the locus tag, probe ID, the treatment and replicate factor, the measured log-transformed input and output intensities, and the median and 90% CI for the predicted output intensity. We also keep the estimated median $\delta$ and associated 95% CI so we can investigate the relationship with treatment effect.

In [5]:
# Columns to keep from the merged data
resultscols = ['locus_tag', 'probe', 'replicate', 'treatment',
               'log_input', 'log_output', 'y_pred_5pc', 'y_pred_median', 'y_pred_95pc',
               'd_2.5pc', 'd_25pc', 'd_median', 'd_75pc', 'd_97.5pc']

# Merge fit estimates with observed data
results_merged = pd.merge(results, estimates,
                          left_on='locus_tag', right_on='locus_tag').loc[:, resultscols]
locus_tag probe replicate treatment log_input log_output y_pred_5pc y_pred_median y_pred_95pc d_2.5pc d_25pc d_median d_75pc d_97.5pc
0 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 3 1 7.540075 7.233352 6.514030 7.345629 8.155571 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847
1 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 3 0 8.703879 8.527294 7.655175 8.446265 9.183563 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847
2 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 2 0 8.855490 8.342144 7.849079 8.655905 9.472783 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847
3 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 2 1 7.541968 7.132120 6.594946 7.378912 8.161562 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847
4 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 1 1 7.472794 7.123169 6.510460 7.328620 8.090392 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847

Calculate prediction error

We create new columns to represent the error in crossvalidation prediction of output intensity:

  • y_pred_abs_error: the absolute error (y_pred_median - log_output)
  • y_pred_rel_error: the relative error (y_pred_abs_error/log_output)

and to represent the absolute difference between the measured input and: (i) the measured output; (ii) the predicted output

  • y_diff_pred: absolute difference between input and prediction (y_pred_median - log_input)
  • y_diff_obs: absolute difference between input and measured output (log_output - log_input)
In [6]:
# Calculate absolute and relative prediction error
results_merged['y_pred_abs_error'] = results_merged['y_pred_median'] - results_merged['log_output']
results_merged['y_pred_rel_error'] = results_merged['y_pred_abs_error']/results_merged['log_output']

# Calculate observed and predicted differences
results_merged['y_diff_pred'] = results_merged['y_pred_median'] - results_merged['log_input']
results_merged['y_diff_obs'] = results_merged['log_output'] - results_merged['log_input']

Error distributions

We inspect the distribution of these errors directly by plotting.

There are some strongly outlying points with large error, but most prediction errors, either relative or absolute, are close to zero.

In [7]:
# Plot prediction errors boxplots

Error with respect to measured intensity

By plotting the absolute and relative error in output intensity prediction against measured values, we can get an idea of whether the errors are uniformly distributed, or likely to be associated primarily with weak measured intensities.

We might expect an overabundance of large relative error for low measured intensity values, as the relative effect of a constant absolute error will be greater for these smaller values.

In [8]:
# Plot relative and absolute error wrt input and output
tools.plot_error_vs_column(results_merged, "log_input")
tools.plot_error_vs_column(results_merged, "log_output")
The plots above indicate that absolute prediction errors are small for probes with intensities of 6 or greater. In particular, probes with strong intensities have very low absolute and relative error.

Error with respect to estimated treatment effect

By relating the absolute and relative error to the estimated treatment effect, we can interpret whether we should continue to be confident in the results of notebook 02-full_model_fit.ipynb. If the 25% percentile for our estimate of $\delta$ is greater than zero, then the 50% CI for that probe's gene does not include zero, and we interpret this as a positive effect due to treatment.

In [9]:
# Plot errors relative to 25% percentile for estimate of treatment effect
tools.plot_error_vs_column(results_merged, "d_25pc")
tools.plot_error_vs_column(results_merged, "d_median")

Median and 25% percentile values of $\delta_{j[i]}$ close to or less than zero are associated most frequently with large errors. A small number of large absolute and relative errors are associated with values that are positive and quite far from zero.

We subset the data to investigate this more closely, in the dataset trt_pos representing the 115 locus tags with an estimated positive treatment effect.

In [10]:
# Subset data to positive estimates of delta only
trt_pos = results_merged[results_merged['d_25pc'] > 0]

# Inspect results
locus_tag probe replicate treatment log_input log_output y_pred_5pc y_pred_median y_pred_95pc d_2.5pc d_25pc d_median d_75pc d_97.5pc y_pred_abs_error y_pred_rel_error y_diff_pred y_diff_obs
16044 ECs0415 A_07_P053966 2 0 5.537948 4.855196 4.808470 5.571389 6.309174 -0.056614 0.138136 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 0.716193 0.147511 0.033442 -0.682751
16045 ECs0415 A_07_P043771 1 0 4.889754 4.853641 4.034892 4.819052 5.566774 -0.056614 0.138136 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 -0.034589 -0.007126 -0.070702 -0.036113
16046 ECs0415 A_07_P053966 3 0 2.388387 1.941498 1.680969 2.446959 3.192620 -0.056614 0.138136 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 0.505461 0.260346 0.058572 -0.446889
16047 ECs0415 A_07_P043771 3 1 -0.523139 0.405531 -0.677318 0.062175 0.899821 -0.056614 0.138136 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 -0.343355 -0.846681 0.585314 0.928670
16048 ECs0415 A_07_P053966 1 0 4.935381 4.910987 4.195545 4.924633 5.710152 -0.056614 0.138136 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 0.013646 0.002779 -0.010748 -0.024394
In [11]:
# Plot errors relative to 25% percentile for estimate of treatment effect
tools.plot_error_vs_column(trt_pos, "d_25pc")
tools.plot_error_vs_column(trt_pos, "d_median")

By visual inspection, most probe prediction errors for the "treatment positive" probes are small in relative terms, but appear to be Normally distributed in absolute terms with respect to the value of d_median. We can examine the error distributions for these probes with respect to log input and output intensities, as above.

In [12]:
# Plot errors for positive treatment effects wrt measured intensities
tools.plot_error_vs_column(trt_pos, "log_input")
tools.plot_error_vs_column(trt_pos, "log_output")

These plots show that a large relative prediction error is associated mainly with probes that have low measured *input* or *output* intensity, less than ≈4 units.

Error with respect to prediction interval

As an estimate of prediction accuracy, we can calculate the number of observed output intensities that lie outwith the 90% credibility interval of the prediction. We create the column pred_success, which contains True where the predicted output value lies in the 90% CI for the crossvalidation predictions.

In [13]:
# Add a column for probe predictions that lie outwith the 90% credibility interval of prediction
results_merged['pred_success'] = (results_merged['log_output'] > results_merged['y_pred_5pc']) & \
                                 (results_merged['log_output'] < results_merged['y_pred_95pc'])
# Inspect data
locus_tag probe replicate treatment log_input log_output y_pred_5pc y_pred_median y_pred_95pc d_2.5pc d_25pc d_median d_75pc d_97.5pc y_pred_abs_error y_pred_rel_error y_diff_pred y_diff_obs pred_success
0 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 3 1 7.540075 7.233352 6.514030 7.345629 8.155571 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847 0.112278 0.015522 -0.194446 -0.306724 True
1 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 3 0 8.703879 8.527294 7.655175 8.446265 9.183563 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847 -0.081029 -0.009502 -0.257614 -0.176585 True
2 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 2 0 8.855490 8.342144 7.849079 8.655905 9.472783 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847 0.313761 0.037612 -0.199585 -0.513347 True
3 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 2 1 7.541968 7.132120 6.594946 7.378912 8.161562 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847 0.246792 0.034603 -0.163055 -0.409848 True
4 ECDH10B_RS00010 A_07_P010704 1 1 7.472794 7.123169 6.510460 7.328620 8.090392 -0.106789 -0.065958 -0.057542 -0.048565 -0.023847 0.205451 0.028843 -0.144174 -0.349624 True
In [14]:
# Make a dataframe of missed predictions
errors = results_merged[results_merged['pred_success'] == False]
print(errors.shape, results_merged.shape, len(errors['locus_tag'].unique()))
(4048, 19) (49872, 19) 1101
This identifies 4048/49872 probe predictions (an 8% misprediction rate!), covering 1101 locus_tags in total.

We can gain an insight into the number of probes that are likely to be in error for any particular locus tag, by plotting the distribution of their counts:

In [15]:
# Distribution of probes in error, by locus tag
error_probe_counts = errors['locus_tag'].groupby(errors['locus_tag']).agg(['count'])
ax = sns.distplot(error_probe_counts['probes_in_error'], bins=max(error_probe_counts['probes_in_error']))
ax.set_title("probes in error, by locus tag")
ax.set_xlim(0, max(error_probe_counts['probes_in_error']));

Most of the locus tags with prediction errors have errors in 4 probes or fewer (out of an average of six or so), so in general we might expect most probes for most locus tags to be relatively well-predicted by our model.

But is this the case for the locus tags with a predicted positive treatment effect?

Prediction errors for positive treatment effects

We can examine the distribution of crossvalidation prediction errors for the locus tags with positive estimated treatment effect, and compare this to the distribution for the dataset as a whole. If these are similar, then there may be no systematic misprediction for the positive estimated treatment values.

In [16]:
# Subset data to positive estimates of delta only
trt_pos = results_merged[results_merged['d_25pc'] > 0]
trt_errors = trt_pos[trt_pos['pred_success'] == False]
print(trt_errors.shape, trt_pos.shape, len(trt_errors['locus_tag'].unique()))
(389, 19) (1566, 19) 77
We find that 389/1566 of our probes (around 25% of predictions, covering 77 of the 115 locus tags with an estimated positive effect) have measured output intensity that lies outwith the 90% CI for the crossvalidation prediction. This is a considerably higher rate than for the dataset as a whole.

Plotting the distribution of the number of probes in error for each locus tag also shows a noisier distribution to that for the main dataset, where some predictions have a much larger number of probe predictions that appear to be in error:

In [17]:
trt_error_probe_counts = trt_errors['locus_tag'].groupby(trt_errors['locus_tag']).agg(['count'])
ax = sns.distplot(trt_error_probe_counts['probes_in_error'], bins=max(trt_error_probe_counts['probes_in_error']))
ax.set_title("probes in error, by locus tag (positive trt effect)")
ax.set_xlim(0, max(trt_error_probe_counts['probes_in_error']));

The modal number of probes in error is one, but the distribution has a different shape to that for the complete dataset, suggesting a systematic failure of the model to predict precisely the output intensity for some probes.

Prediction errors for positive treatment effect candidates

We break down the prediction errors for our positive treatment effect candidates into two types (after Gelman & Carlin (2014) DOI: 10.1177/1745691614551642).

  • Type S (sign): the difference between predicted output intensity and measured input intensity has the opposite sign to that for the difference between measured output intensity and measured input intensity
  • Type M (magnitude): the direction of the prediction is correct (no Type S error), but the magnitude is incorrect

A large proportion of predictions with a Type S error may be critically indicative of a misestimate of $\delta$ for a given locus tag. By contrast, a preponderance of Type M errors might indicate a generally correct estimate that there is an effect, but for some reason (perhaps a faulty run that has a strong effect on the crossvalidation training set) misestimates the magnitude of $\delta$.

Calculating Type M and Type S errors

We create two new columns in the trt_pos dataframe that contains estimates for those locus tags with an estimated positive value for $\delta$, the effect on treatment/passage:

  • type_s: there is a prediction error, and the sign of the predicted and observed differences are the same value - trt_pos['y_diff_pred']/trt_pos['y_diff_obs'] > 0
  • type_m: there is a prediction error, but it's not Type S - trt_pos['type_s'] is False and trt_pos['pred_success'] is False
In [18]:
# Create columns for error types
trt_pos['type_s'] = trt_pos['pred_success'] is False and (trt_pos['y_diff_pred']/trt_pos['y_diff_obs'] < 0)
trt_pos['type_m'] = (trt_pos['type_s'] == False) & (trt_pos['pred_success'] == False)

# Inspect data
locus_tag probe replicate treatment log_input log_output y_pred_5pc y_pred_median y_pred_95pc d_2.5pc ... d_median d_75pc d_97.5pc y_pred_abs_error y_pred_rel_error y_diff_pred y_diff_obs pred_success type_s type_m
16044 ECs0415 A_07_P053966 2 0 5.537948 4.855196 4.808470 5.571389 6.309174 -0.056614 ... 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 0.716193 0.147511 0.033442 -0.682751 True False False
16045 ECs0415 A_07_P043771 1 0 4.889754 4.853641 4.034892 4.819052 5.566774 -0.056614 ... 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 -0.034589 -0.007126 -0.070702 -0.036113 True False False
16046 ECs0415 A_07_P053966 3 0 2.388387 1.941498 1.680969 2.446959 3.192620 -0.056614 ... 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 0.505461 0.260346 0.058572 -0.446889 True False False
16047 ECs0415 A_07_P043771 3 1 -0.523139 0.405531 -0.677318 0.062175 0.899821 -0.056614 ... 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 -0.343355 -0.846681 0.585314 0.928670 True False False
16048 ECs0415 A_07_P053966 1 0 4.935381 4.910987 4.195545 4.924633 5.710152 -0.056614 ... 0.235389 0.325986 0.470599 0.013646 0.002779 -0.010748 -0.024394 True False False

5 rows × 21 columns

In [19]:
# How many errors of each type?
print("Type S errors: %d" % sum(trt_pos['type_s']))
print("Type M errors: %d" % sum(trt_pos['type_m']))
Type S errors: 0
Type M errors: 389
There are no observed Type S errors.

All errors in the predicted output intensity are Type M errors: errors in the predicted effect magnitude, where the effect is observed to be in the correct direction, with respect to the input intensity.

We should, therefore, be confident that our predictions of $\delta$ are accurate in terms of their positive direction.

Over- and Under-estimates

The question arises whether the errors are typically underestimates or overestimates, for the probes that are in error. If we are systematically overestimating output probe intensity, then we might consider our estimates of $\delta$ to be generally too large. Alternatively, if we are systematically underestimating output probe intensity, we might thing that our estimates are too small.

In [20]:
# Violinplot of prediction error for all probes
sns.violinplot(trt_pos['log_output'] - trt_pos['y_pred_median']);

In general, most probe predictions are within one log unit of the observed value for the probes corresponding to positive treatment effects. This is encouraging and suggests that, in general, the parameter estimates and model are appropriate.

In [21]:
# Violinplot of prediction error for probes where prediction fails
trt_errors = trt_pos[trt_pos['pred_success'] == False]
print("%d positive errors" % sum(trt_errors['y_pred_abs_error'] > 0))
print("%d negative errors" % sum(trt_errors['y_pred_abs_error'] < 0))
180 positive errors
209 negative errors
The violinplot of errors for probes whose observed output isn't in the 90% CI for the predicted output indicates that most errors are less than 2 log units from the observed value in either direction. The number of positive and negative errors are also very similar, suggesting that there is no systematic bias towards over- or under-estimation.

Questionable locus tags

Although our results seem to be on the whole quite sound, there are some locus tags for which the results may be more questionable. We can identify the total number of probes for each locus tag, and the number of probe output predictions that are in error, and determine which locus tags appear to have an unusually high proportion of errors as having more questionable estimates.

We generate a dataframe, indexed by locus tag, with a column fail_prop that describes the proportion of probe predictions that are in error.

In [22]:
# Count number of probes and failed predictions, by locus tag
collist = ['d_2.5pc', 'd_25pc', 'd_median', 'd_75pc', 'd_97.5pc',
           'pred_success', 'type_m']
lt_pos = trt_pos.groupby('locus_tag').agg(sum)[collist]
lt_pos['fail_prop'] = lt_pos['type_m']/(lt_pos['type_m'] + lt_pos['pred_success'])

# Inspect output
locus_tag d_2.5pc d_25pc d_median d_75pc d_97.5pc pred_success type_m fail_prop
0 ECs0415 -0.679367 1.657636 2.824671 3.911833 5.647189 11.0 1.0 0.083333
1 ECs0416 -0.708834 1.076814 2.096457 2.877068 4.219646 7.0 5.0 0.416667
2 ECs1121 -1.702318 0.325971 1.718081 2.744757 4.574203 21.0 9.0 0.300000
3 ECs1161 0.574855 2.044636 2.851780 3.569380 4.874645 8.0 4.0 0.333333
4 ECs1262 0.909954 1.923403 2.364237 2.861817 3.649701 7.0 5.0 0.416667
In [23]:
# Distribution of proportion of failed probes
sns.distplot(lt_pos['fail_prop'], bins=10);

From this data, we see that most locus tags in this dataset have no probe errors, and a small proportion have more than 50% probe errors. We can inspect the predictions for those locus tags directly.

In [24]:
# Make list of locus tags with more than 50% probe errors
q_tags = lt_pos.loc[lt_pos['fail_prop'] > 0.5]
print(q_tags.shape, sum(q_tags['type_m']))
(10, 9) 110.0
This identifies 10 questionable locus tags, with 110 Type M probe errors, in total.

We use the function plot_locustag_predictions() to visualise the prediction results for these genes directly. In these plots, values 0-2 indicate control replicates, and values 3-5 treatment replicates. The grey points show measured input intensity for the probe, and the black points show measured output intensity. The coloured points show predicted median values, and the bars indicate the 90% credibility interval for the prediction.

Yellow and blue bars indicate that the observed output intensity lies within the 90% CI; green and red bars indicate that the observed output value lies outwith the 90% CI.

In [25]:
# Plot predictions for each questionable locus tag
for lt in q_tags['locus_tag']:
    tools.plot_locustag_predictions(trt_pos, lt)
85     ECs4325
86     ECs4329
88     ECs4335
89     ECs4339
90     ECs4341
91     ECs4353
92     ECs4354
94     ECs4380
100    ECs4386
101    ECs4387
Name: locus_tag, dtype: object

These ten locus tags explain nearly 1/3 of all Type M errors in the positive treatment dataset, and are closely collocated on the genome, from ECs4325 to ECs4387, and so may be subject to the same effects of BAC over- or under-representation. Where this occurs, a single pool may give an erroneous result due to the aberrational effets of over- or under-representation, and this may skew our crossvalidation predictions.

Visual inspection of the plots above indicates that the crossvalidation parameter estimates for $\delta$ were typically positive, and those for $\beta$ negative. They also indicate that the observed output intensities for the treatment and control values were not consistent.

For instance, for ECs4387 control samples 1 and 2 showed an increase in intensity post-experiment, but sample 0 shows quite a sharp decrease in intensity. Similarly, treatment samples 3 and 4 show an increase in post-experiment intensity, but sample 5 shows a decrease.

Similar inconsistencies are observed for all ten locus tags in this region, and BAC over or under-representation in the pools may be a possible physical cause of this.